In this video, we're going to show you how to use the ProLogic L01 in the manager code in order to add a user code.
- First of all, we want to do all the programming with the safe door open. So go ahead and enter your manager code.
- It'll verify his ID: 01, which we know is the manager code, and the lock will be open. Go ahead and open that.
- I turn the handle back in order to make sure that I don't accidentally close this during the programming.
- So, now how do we add a user code? We press the menu button, press down once to system menu and press ok.
- Now it's asking you for a code. Enter your manager code. This allows you to do management functions of this lock. It verifies you as a manager, ID: 01, and it says "select menu."
- Press up once to enroll new user and press ok.
- It's going to say I'm going to enroll user 2. Now it's asking for the code of user 2. Let's say it's 2-2-2-2-2-2. This isn't a good code choice but just for the purpose of demonstration.
- And then we repeat it, ID: 02 has been saved. ID: 02 is now successfully enrolled.
- Press the back button in order to clear the display and now let's go ahead and test our user code: 2-2-2-2-2-2. It'll say ID: 02 verified. Lock open.
- Turn the handle.
That's how you create a user code with the ProLogic L01.